There once was a small group of hardcore drinkers
living in Austin, Texas. Apparently, they had far too much
time on their hands. It is as equally apparent that they
were tired of all those weak drinking games. They had played
many before, but they all sucked. Too much waiting and
bullshitting, not enough drinking.
On a fateful evening in April of 1999, a council was gathered
around a small, plastic-coated, particle board table. Beer
was involved, and discussion commenced. |
The prophecy was to be fulfilled that night.
The ultimate drinking game was born.
Over several months of playing almost every night, rules came
and went, but the idea remained the same. Eventually, the
game evolved to what it is today...perfection. |
Many people have beheld the glory that is Ocho Rojo.
Few have been spared from its wrath.
There is no beginners luck. There is no cheating.
There is no aquired skill. There is only binge drinking.
The beauty of Ocho Rojo lies in its intention. You can
play your Quarters, your Boxhead or your Rocky Horror drinking
games...and that's acceptable, if you're a pussy. |
Ocho Rojo was not created by man's conscious
mind. Ocho Rojo lies within all of us...just below the
surface...trying to get out.
The small group from Austin was the first to answer its call.
Within all of us lies the desire to get completely
shit-faced. Let Ocho Rojo be your guide. It is more
than a game. It is a tool for reaching your very soul. |
In the last days,
God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and
daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old
men will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women, I will
pour out my Spirit in those days, and they prophesy. - Daniel
Obviously, by
"Spirit", God was talking about beer.
So, you see, Ocho Rojo is
not only a drinking game. It is a way of life...and it is
your destiny. |